Our goal is to provide superior town planning solutions, distinguished by our exceptional expertise and commitment to success-driven outcomes.
Warwick Stimson

Founder // Managing Director

Warwick is a Company Director and Urban and Regional Planner registered with the Planning Institute of Australia. With over 25 years public and private sector experience, he has led planning and project teams in the fields of development assessment, stakeholder consultation and strategic planning consultancy.

For over 15 years, Warwick has provided consultancy services across urban and regional New South Wales for a wide range of development types,developing a strong network through many Local Government Areas, and State Government Agencies. Warwick is also a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has previously sat on the Western Sydney Parklands Trust Board.

Shannon Sullivan

Town Planner // Advisor

Shannon is a Town Planner with over 25 years’ experience in both the public and private sectors. Over the past decade as a Director of ESS Australia, Shannon provided development management and town planning services to multi-national organisations and State Government agencies. He has extensive experience in development advice, statutory planning and the process of guiding development through the approval process.

Shannon has developed a broad network of environmental consultants to assist in the preparation of any development project. Shannon has strong contacts within NSW Department of Planning, Councils and other approval agencies. He brings strong experience, communication and planning skills to any project.



Samir Patel

baps Shri Swaminarayan

'His foresight into strategic matters have also significantly helped the project in its design stages to ensure that as the developer we would encounter minimal issues in the ongoing execution of the project.'

d & b busst

childcare centre operators

'Warwick acted on our behalf and helped us with every aspect of securing the required amended DA with Council, as well as continuing to assist and advise until we obtained the Occupation Certificate. With his extensive experience and established network, he made the whole process as pain-free as possible.'

jacob farragher

quiet capital

'Many of the projects we have engaged Warwick on, have needed bespoke thinking and not only an understanding of the planning laws but a greater understanding of how our developments would have a positive impact on the Penrith community.'

Geoff Ferris-Smith

Jakaan Architects

'Warwick’s vast experience, his self-assured professional manner and ability to reconcile the values development merit with the minefield of legislative control means I prefer Warwick to be on my team for all my projects'

john joannou


We have engaged with Stimson Urban and Regional Planning to assist us in delivering the Precinct known as Manufactor.  We have found Warwick to be solution based, willing and able to assist us in through multiple hurdles and CDC. We have found him to be responsive and always ready to work out a way to get things done for us.  We highly recommend Stimson Urban.

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